from Instagram: http://ift.tt/1kkTnpR
As the new year approaches, we ask that you consider in your resolutions to begin limiting your consumption of singe use plastics. This includes straws, water bottles, plastic silverware, etc… We realize that in today’s society it can seem impossible to do this, but at least be aware of the issue and make an effort to either refrain from singe use plastics or try to recycle them afterwards. If you’re unable to recycle, you’ll then see a large societal flaw and begin to understand why this waste stream is so dangerous to the ecology of our oceans. Many species out there suffer from this problem including Sea Turtles and from us to you; Crush in Finding Nemo was a role model we don’t want future generations to live without. ???????????? Consume responsibly and develop a #ConsciousBeyondConvenience #OWNIt #KeepItClean #LeaveYourPrintsNotYourCarbon ????: @dankuras December 26th, 2015_conbeyconv